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What can we do to prevent premature graying of hair?

At what age did you see your first white hair? When you stand in front of a mirror and look at the first white strand between your hair, it is as if a sound in your ear warns that it is not too late to age. This sounds a little sad, but the good news is that we now live in a world where with the advancement of human general knowledge, many things can be easily prevented and many problems can be cured. If hair bleaching at an early age is inherited, can it be prevented? What is the solution to prevent premature hair bleaching?

Cause of hair bleaching

Although most people experience hair whitening in their 30s and around the age of 40, some people also notice their hair turning white around the age of 20 and in rare cases before this time. Hair bleaching has various causes, the most important of which are:


Premature hair bleaching is largely directly related to a person’s genetics. Race and ethnicity are also influential factors. A 2013 study found that premature graying of hair occurs in white people around the age of 20, in Asian people around the age of 25, and in African people around the age of 30.

Premature hair bleaching is a condition in which a person notices a change in the color of their hair before the age of 20.

If your parents and close relatives have gray hair very soon, it is unlikely that the same will happen to you. Of course, your hair will not necessarily turn white soon, but inheritance and genetics are very influential in this regard, and there is generally no way to prevent it.

Lack of vitamins is a factor for premature graying of hair

Before we look at ways to prevent premature hair bleaching, it is important to know that deficiencies in vitamins and some minerals can also lead to hair bleaching. These nutrients include the following:

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Vitamin C deficiency
  • Vitamin A deficiency
  • Deficiency of iron, copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium and selenium

You can find the vitamins and minerals listed in the best multivitamins for hair growth by visiting Green Positive Online Pharmacy.

Oxidative stress and hair bleaching

Oxidative stress occurs when antioxidants are not enough to fight free radicals that damage cells. This damages the cells and causes aging and disease. Oxidative stress is also effective in premature graying of hair, so to prevent premature graying of hair, it is necessary to provide antioxidants for the body.

Getting some diseases

Exposure to certain medical conditions, such as autoimmune diseases, can cause hair to turn white. Thyroid dysfunction and anemia can also play a role.

Stress and anxiety

Based on some studies, it can be said that being in a stressful situation will lead to inactivation of hair pigment.


Some research has shown that premature graying of hair is closely related to smoking.

Hair whitening


It is present in many hair colors and is probably effective in premature hair bleaching. Some other cosmetics may also contain harmful chemicals that reduce hair whitening by reducing melanin.

Prevent premature graying of hair

Premature graying of hair can be prevented as long as the cause is not rooted in genetic issues and did not occur due to aging. If the diet is not proper and there are nutritional deficiencies, if the person has a treatable disease or is in a stressful situation, correcting these cases can prevent premature graying of hair and also prevent further graying of hair. . Consider the following solutions:

Supply of vitamins and minerals needed by the body

We said that sometimes lack of nutrients causes premature graying of hair. Although all vitamins and minerals are important for hair health, the most important ones include the following:

B vitamins

Among the B vitamins, vitamin B12 has a more prominent role in preventing premature graying of hair. Hair whitening occurs when hair cells (melanocytes) stop producing the pigment responsible for hair coloring. Cells need vitamin B12 to make pigment-producing pigments. The body’s need for this vitamin can also be met by taking vitamin B12 pills.

B 12 Prevent premature hair bleaching

Vitamin D

Low levels of vitamin D are associated with increased premature graying of hair. Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, but it can also be found in some foods, such as fatty fish, or vitamin D tablets.

Vitamin C

Consume this vitamin level Glutathione And increase other antioxidants and reduce the level of oxidative stress in hair follicle cells.

Vitamin A

You need vitamin A to have healthy hair, however this fat is fat soluble and should not be used more than 2500 international units per day.


Iron deficiency can lead to anemia in the body, which may be associated with premature graying of hair. Decreased iron levels in the body also lead to hair loss.

Prevent premature hair bleaching by taking selenium

Another mineral that is deficient in hair whitening seems to be selenium. Changes and disturbances in the body’s hormone levels will lead to hair bleaching. Selenium has a significant role in regulating the function of the thyroid gland and therefore is effective in preventing hair loss as well as hair bleaching. Hair bleaching can be prevented by buying selenium pills or consuming foods containing this element.


Copper: Pills to prevent hair bleaching

If the level of copper in the body is low, a person is more likely to have premature graying of their hair. Copper is a vital component of melanin and is involved in the natural pigmentation of skin, hair and eyes. To protect your hair from bleaching, be sure to include enough meat and vegetables in your diet.

According to some studies, a deficiency of magnesium and zinc (zinc) may also lead to hair bleaching; Therefore, to prevent premature graying of hair, pay attention to the supply of these two minerals.

Increase antioxidant intake in the diet

Undoubtedly, diet plays a constructive role in preventing hair bleaching. Include foods rich in antioxidants in your diet to combat oxidative stress and stop whitening your hair. Foods rich in antioxidants include:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Green tea
  • olive oil
  • Types of fish

Quit Smoking

Cigarettes, in addition to all the harms to health, are also effective in premature bleaching of hair and lead to hair loss. So let go of this harmful habit forever.

Prevent premature hair bleaching with home remedies

Home remedies will delay hair bleaching without damaging the hair. Some of these methods include the following:

  • Rub the combination of curry leaves and coconut oil into the hair
  • Combine pumpkin and olive oil
  • Combine onion juice with lemon juice
  • Combination of henna and eggs
  • Black seed oil
  • Mustard oil
  • Combine salt with a cup of black tea
  • Combine amla plant with almond and lemon oil
  • Combine rosemary with sage

The best shampoo to prevent hair bleaching

Although there are advertisements for using shampoo to prevent hair bleaching, it is likely that these advertisements are for selling more products and are often untrue. So it is better to use other methods.

Prevent whitening of the beard

Almost all of the above should be observed to prevent premature bleaching of hair to prevent bleaching of beards and mustaches. Of course, if the cause is hereditary or due to aging, nothing can be done about it.

last word

There are some ways to prevent premature graying of hair, the most important of which we mentioned in this article. If all of your relatives typically develop gray hair earlier in life, it is due to genetic factors and there is no way to prevent or treat it. But if you have low levels of nutrients or are stressed or have hormonal problems, you can prevent hair bleaching at an early age.

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