Which vitamin deficiency causes white hair?

In this article, we have come to you with an interesting article. Which vitamin deficiency causes white hair? Graying hair is a natural event associated with age. Hair follicles are tube-like sacs in which each person’s hair is formed. Hair roots grow out of the scalp after forming inside the follicle. Inside the follicles, there are pigments called melanin, which give hair color.
But with the passage of time and people’s age, the production of melanin in the follicle reaches its minimum, and as a result, the color of the hair on the head turns white. But sometimes it happens that the hair turns white prematurely. In these cases, most genetic factors are involved, but vitamin deficiency can also be effective. Which vitamin deficiency causes white hair?
What we read in this article
The relationship between vitamin deficiency and gray hair
Lack of vitamins is one of the most important factors in the occurrence of health problems in the body. There is a connection between graying hair and lack of vitamins. Some vitamins and minerals needed by the body are produced by the body itself. But the body does not have the ability to produce some of these other vitamins, and therefore it is necessary to provide the body with the necessary vitamins through proper and healthy nutrition. Each of these vitamins plays a significant role in helping the proper functioning of different parts of the body.
Some of these vitamins help the hair follicle to make enough melanin for the scalp. As a result, lack of proper nutrition leads to lack of vitamins needed by the body, and one of its side effects may be hair whitening. Taking multivitamins can have a significant effect on hair health and possibly prevent hair graying. To know which vitamin deficiency causes white hair, stay with us.
The role of genetics in hair graying
According to the information obtained by some scientists in 2013, genetics has a direct relationship with gray hair at a young age. According to this research, there is a gene called IRF4, which reduces the production of melanin in the follicle and thus leads to white hair at a young age. If the premature graying of your hair is not rooted in genetic factors, it is likely that a vitamin deficiency is involved. In response to the question of which vitamin deficiency causes white hair, we should mention the following vitamins:
Which vitamin deficiency causes white hair?
To find the answer to the question of which vitamin deficiency causes white hair, pay attention to the following:
B vitamins
Most of the vitamins whose deficiency contributes to white hair are part of group B vitamins. These types of vitamins include vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B7, vitamin B10, vitamin B5, vitamin B9 and vitamin B12. These vitamins speed up the process of melanin production, and therefore, the great effect of these vitamins in preventing white hair cannot be underestimated:
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
Which vitamin deficiency causes white hair? Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is the most important vitamin from the group of B vitamins, one of its functions is to protect the body against diseases. Deficiency of this vitamin plays an important role in white hair. Inadequate amounts of vitamin B12 weaken hair cells, and as a result, hair loses its melanin and becomes white.
Also, on the other hand, adequate use of vitamin B12 strengthens the ability of hair cells to absorb and store melanin, which leads to beautiful hair color and beauty. This vitamin is soluble in water and hence consumption of dairy products increases its amount in the body. Other foods rich in vitamin B12 include meat, chicken, soybeans, eggs, and seafood. The lack of this vitamin in the body of vegetarians is very significant, and therefore vitamin B12 supplements have been marketed, and their consumption is also significantly effective.
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
Vitamin B7 is another useful vitamin for the body, which helps in the growth of cells and the production of fatty acids in the body, which causes anemia, lethargy and depression. Also, this vitamin plays an important role in back feathers and hair growth. The growth and health of hair depends to a significant extent on the presence of vitamin B7, and as a result, its deficiency causes brittleness and lack of hair. This vitamin can be obtained by consuming as much as potatoes, fish, nuts and dairy products.
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
Vitamin B9 causes the metabolism of ammonium acid, which is very useful for the metabolism of the body and also improves the function of DNA in the body. Which vitamin deficiency causes white hair? Vitamin B9 plays an important role in the production of melanin and as a result the hair turns black. Therefore, the lack of this vitamin directly causes white hair.
Deficiency of this vitamin, in addition to changing the color of the hair, also changes the color of the skin and nails. By consuming legumes, dairy products, fortified cereals, strawberries and orange juice, the body can be deprived of vitamin B9. Also, folic acid tablets can be a good option to meet the body’s need for this vitamin.
Which vitamin deficiency causes white hair? Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 is the most important vitamin effective in the production of blood cells and body energy. Also, vitamin B5 has a great effect on reducing stress. Lack of this vitamin leads to sleep disorders, lethargy, depression and increase in body infections. On the other hand, this vitamin strengthens the body’s immune system, skin and hair health, and as a result, lack of this vitamin can be another cause of white hair. Vitamin B5 can be obtained from yogurt, fish and calf liver.
By buying Grenahir Premium Adrian capsule, you can benefit from many vitamins that play a role in preventing hair graying. In addition to strengthening damaged hair strands, this capsule prevents hair from turning white and reduces hair loss.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Apart from the above, the deficiency of which vitamin causes white hair? Vitamin B6 causes the production of white blood cells in the body, which strengthens the immune system. Also, this vitamin is very useful for the body’s metabolism, and its deficiency leads to cracked lips and fatigue. Vitamin B6 also plays an important role in hair, and its lack leads to dry hair.
In addition, vitamin B6 plays a role in the production of melanin in hair, and for this reason, the lack of this vitamin can also cause white hair. Food sources that contain this vitamin include bananas, peas, sunflower seeds, potatoes, beans, liver, oats, dried fruits, nuts, and seafood.
Vitamin B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid)
Vitamin B10 is a crystal-like and white substance that is very useful in maintaining melanin and therefore the natural color of the hair. Therefore, vitamin B10 deficiency can also cause white hair. The interesting thing about this vitamin is that vitamin B10 cannot be easily obtained from the consumption of any nutrients and it is possible to absorb this type of vitamin through the consumption of brewer’s yeast, whole grains, mushrooms and spinach. It is interesting to know that humans have the ability to synthesize B10 in their intestines.
Vitamin D (Calciferol)
Which vitamin deficiency causes white hair? Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium in the body and prevents bone decay. In addition, vitamin D significantly affects the production of melanin. Therefore, vitamin D deficiency can be another reason for white hair. This vitamin can be obtained by being under the sun because the sun causes the production of this vitamin in the body.
Also, foods such as cereals, oats, soy milk, mushrooms and egg yolks contain significantly more vitamin D. But fatty fish are foods that contain a lot of vitamin D and their consumption is much more effective than other foods.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E has antioxidant properties that protect the body against free radicals. On the other hand, these properties play a significant role in preventing gray hair. Accordingly, vitamin E deficiency also causes gray hair. Foods such as sunflower seeds, avocado, salmon, shrimp and olive oil are rich in vitamin E.
In addition to the mentioned vitamins, other types of minerals also have an effect on hair color, and for this reason, the lack of these minerals can be another reason for white hair. Stay with us to inform you about these useful and effective minerals.
Read more: The best vitamin for black hair
The role of protein in hair whiteness
Along with its beneficial roles for the body, protein increases hair keratin levels. Keratin is the main part of hair that makes hair smooth and soft. As a result, the lack of this protein causes white hair and hair loss. Protein can be found in most foods, but foods including white meats such as chicken and fish, legumes, dairy products, nuts, and eggs are the best sources of high protein.
In response to the question of which vitamin deficiency causes white hair, we should also mention the iron mineral. Iron plays a very important role in the production of hemoglobin in blood cells. Hemoglobin transports oxygen to all parts of the body. For this reason, iron deficiency causes dysfunction of hair follicles and leads to white hair. As a result, white hair is one of the obvious signs of iron deficiency in the body.
Iron is a useful and necessary substance in the body, which is highly recommended for all people, especially women who lose a lot of blood due to their monthly habits. Body iron can be easily supplied by eating foods such as beans, meat and whole grain bread. Also, the consumption of iron pills will have a great effect on supplying the iron needed by the body.
The relationship between copper deficiency and gray hair
Copper is a mineral that plays a very effective role in the production of blood cells. In addition, it can be said that copper is one of the most effective minerals in improving production Melanin Is. Therefore, lack of copper is another reason for gray hair. Foods such as almonds, peanuts, legumes, lentils, beef liver, asparagus, white mushrooms and dark chocolate contain significant amounts of copper.
In addition to having a beneficial effect on the nervous system, heart and muscles, calcium promotes health and hair growth. Therefore, calcium consumption is also necessary to maintain hair health and color. Calcium can be obtained from dairy products, especially milk, fortified cereals, bread and fish.
Zinc is an effective mineral whose function is to protect body cells. Zinc also enhances protein absorption. The body has the ability to convert protein into keratin, and hence, consuming more zinc increases protein absorption and, as a result, strengthens hair keratin. Zinc is found in red meat, wheat, shellfish and beans.
By adding the foods mentioned above, you can have a healthy diet and easily prevent your hair from turning white in your youth. Of course, in order to prevent white hair, only proper nutrition does not work, and it is necessary to observe other points as well. Such as:
1) No smoking, especially cigarettes
2) Reducing pressure and stress
3) Not using hair chemicals such as hair dyes and poor quality shampoos
4) No use of alcohol and high amounts of caffeine
Of course, today we are living in an advanced age where you can consult with dermatologists and hair specialists about the treatment or prevention of gray hair on your head and achieve favorable and effective results. You can also use medicines effective in strengthening hair, such as Granhair Premium Adrian or various multivitamins. We hope that you have made the most of the contents of the Green Positive Online Pharmacy magazine and have reached the answer to your question about which vitamin deficiency causes white hair.