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Who is a worthy lady from the Quran’s point of view? / A few verses and a few books for women

group Life; نعیما جاویدی: When in cyberspace is a successful lady, blogger or figure who has the most fame and followers in any way. When in the field of economics, a successful lady is a lady whose money goes above the paddle, an independent income that has no, independent business. When the lady who has won the most medals in the field of sports is recognized as the most successful or in the scientific forums the lady who has the most and the latest discoveries and theories will reach the peak of success. Or when in the field of beauty and fashion, the most beautiful and well-dressed concern has become the concern of young women around the world, that is, each group offers definitions according to its own interests in accordance with its indicators, for example, and the success of women. The Qur’an, however, has the most different indicators; The model of a woman’s success in Islam is not necessarily to ensure the interests of Islam and its function for religion. The indicators of the Qur’an correspond to the creation, nature and essence of man. This claim has been researched and validated more than Muslims, scholars and thinkers of other religions, which is easily accessible and verifiable with a little searching in cyberspace.

Success until when and where ?!

Following the patterns of success for Muslim women, according to the indicators provided by the Qur’an, is entirely to the benefit of the women themselves, rather than to anyone. God does not ask for anything for himself and does not set a condition for his own benefit, he says that your good and evil return to you. Hafez (peace be upon him) understands this meaning and sings a metaphor throughout the verse: Guarantees. If a lady who is the elite of the scientific societies of the world and acts exactly according to the model and definitions of the success of these societies, who can guarantee that she will be successful in eternal life and in the hereafter? This is an important and fundamental question that we must ask ourselves as soon as we succeed; Where is the ultimate goal of this victory and how long and when can it last?

Biased and ignorant translation

The Qur’an does not invite women to be isolated, to leave the world and to stay at home. The misrepresentation and misrepresentation that some have ignorantly or biasedly misrepresented instead of the Qur’an portraying women has unfortunately provided the basis for such perceptions. Islam has general and possible conditions and laws for women, by observing which one can have a maximum presence and role in society and family. Most importantly, the Qur’an, as the complete and best book of Muslim life, has provided features and criteria for the health and success of women in life. The Qur’anic criteria, since they are divine and God is the creator of all creatures, including women, are very clear, compatible with the nature, spirit and living conditions of all women, and its implementation is not costly, troublesome or associated with complications.

How much do we know about exemplary women?

In addition to these commands, Islam also provides examples and patterns, such as the lives of the wives of the prophets, the Virgin Mary (PBUH), the mother of Jesus (PBUH), the monotheism of the Prophet (PBUH) in the great court of Pharaoh, and numerous examples of life. Hazrat Zahra (PBUH), the life story of Mujahid and martyr women who have spent their lives on the path of truth. For example, Muslim women in the early Islamic wars sided with the Prophet, the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) and the army of God to inspire their husbands. Water the thirsty and heal the wounded. The first believers in Islam were Hazrat Khadija (PBUH), the richest Arab lady. The martyrdom of Hazrat Zahra (PBUH) in defense of the right of guardianship of Amir al-Momenin (PBUH), the firm sermon of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH) in Yazid Palace after the Ashura incident, the migration of Imam Masoumeh (PBUH) to visit and help their brother Imam Reza (PBUH), life Mujahideen and faithful women such as Somayeh, Hajar, Asma, Umm Al-Banin, etc., well proves the truth about the view of religion on the individual and social role and dignity of women.

Books to read

What has been presented in the above sentences is not a personal interpretation or a one-sided recommendation. Also, articles and books such as the position of women in Islam in the thought of Allameh Tabatabai (RA) in the commentary of Al-Mizan and Fatemeh Fatemeh are Dr. Shariati and a collection of lectures collected and written by great people such as Imam Rahel, Shahid Beheshti and … can be read. Looks and pens that help away from one-sidedness with a logical reason, with an open mind, determination and stronger thinking, taste the sweet taste of a successful daughter, a model wife and a worthy mother. Success is the fruit of awareness, if we are not educated and aware, ignorant and biased translations of religion will continue to widen the gap between us Muslim women and the truth of religion. Studying will help us not to better and more religiosity, but to better understand religiosity, to understand the dignity and status of women in Islam. Books that are not bad for others or ourselves to give ourselves gifts and Eid on the pretext of Women’s Day.

This data also helps on the eve of the birth of Hazrat Zahra Marzieh (PBUH); The model of all Muslim women in the world Let’s get acquainted with a corner of the divine criteria for the success of Muslim women. Reading the text, translating and briefly interpreting these verses helps us to take a spiritual step to strengthen religious values ​​and be more in line with the characteristics of a Muslim woman during the happy days of the Muslims of the world.

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