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Do you have a first aid kit at home? / Checklist of essential first aid requirements

Life group: From the last thing that happened to you at home or while traveling and you said to yourself, I wish I had a painkiller, a sterile gauze, a wound wash serum or burn ointment, etc. with me; How long does it take? But the first aid kit, the box that we pay little attention to in return for the importance it attaches to us …

First aid kits can be obtained from pharmacies, Red Crescent or safety equipment stores, but it may be expensive to purchase a complete first aid kit with a special box.
But you do not need to buy a ready-made box, you can buy the accessories inside it separately and keep it in a bag or box that you have at home, in which case your cost will be reduced by about 50%.

You need a checklist to make first aid kits so that nothing is left out; We have prepared this checklist for you:
1. Betadine solution and antiseptic gel or serum
۲. White alcohol
3. cotton
4. Wound adhesive and sterile gauze in different dimensions
5. Cotton and drawstring in two different sizes
6. Ammonia solution (respiratory stimulant)
7. Ice bag and hot water bag
8. Anti-itch ointment
9. Sanitary gloves
10. Analgesic, anti-allergic, anti-nausea and anti-muscle spasm
۱۱. Thermometer
۱۲. Scissors, razor and tweezers
13. Syringe ready for essential injection
۱۴. Towel
۱۵. Matches and lighters
۱۶. flashlight
۱۷. Several canned foods with an expiration date of more than one year
۱۸. Small battery-powered radio

Here are some essential tips for a first aid kit:

1. Match your box to your checklist at most once every 6 months, check the dates, and replace them with new ones if they expire or expire.

۲. Remaining batteries in a flashlight or having standby electronic devices shortens their life. Remove the batteries from the circuit and place them next to devices such as flashlights or radios and use them in the event of an accident.

3. If you have used any of the items in the bag, replace it with a new one as soon as possible.

4. Due to the presence of food and medicine, it is better to keep the bag at room temperature or between 10 and 30 degrees.

5. Put your first aid kit on a path that you may deviate from in the event of an accident. Being in bedroom closets or out-of-reach neighborhoods can take a long time.

6. If you do not know how to use items such as syringes, ammonia solution, etc., please do not use them until rescue workers arrive.

7. Show your checklist to a doctor or paramedic. They may add options that are tailored to your situation.

We hope you never need a first aid kit, but take it seriously at home and in the car.

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