Marriage and familysocial

Everything about the population youth plan / from the job security of working mothers to special facilities for the third child

Family group: After a long struggle, the plan to “support the family and the youth of the population” was finally approved. The plan is supposed to make it easier and more pleasant for Iranian families to have children, according to its provisions, so that everyone can play a significant role in strengthening the family foundation and save the country from the population aging crisis that has been warned about for years. Give.

On the same pretext, we spoke with “Hossein Morouti”, a member of the Population Studies Committee of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, a member of the Population Working Group of the Social Commission of the Expediency Council.

The plan to support the family and the youth of the population was approved by the Guardian Council. What is your assessment of this law?

I believe that this law is a long and effective step towards creating a desirable lifestyle. Beyond that, I think the Family Protection Act can change the cultural atmosphere of society in favor of the family institution.

For example, which articles of this law can have these effects?

For at least three decades, various structures and systems in our country have been at war with the family institution. Numerous barriers have been created in the way of forming and completing a family, and this law removes many of them. The family right we give to an employee’s salary publicly tells the single employee to stay single! Child allowance, which seems to ridicule childbearing. Our urban space is anti-family and especially anti-mother. For example, a mother can not shop safely with her baby. The fact that almost no facilities are available to our married student tells him in a dumb language that you should not get married as a student; It should be noted that the many obstacles to marriage and childbearing for students are a sad story in themselves.

Unfortunately, the government during these years has frightened the people towards starting a family and having children, and the systems and structures have confirmed and established this practice. But in this law, such procedures will be fundamentally changed and marriage and childbearing will be facilitated for different segments of the people.

Which of the incentives do you think is more effective?

This is different for different people and groups, but I am very hopeful about the effectiveness of land and housing materials. After the birth of the third child, people receive a maximum price of 200 meters of land or housing unit and receive a 2-year respite and an 8-year installment. For each child, 25% will be added to the ceiling of housing facilities for purchase, construction and forgery, and the repayment period will be increased by two years. These are good and attractive for people like me who are tenants! Another measure of the plan is to provide job security for working mothers, which reduces some of these mothers’ concerns.

Have other groups and rural families received as much attention as the families of urban employees?

In this case, I can testify that one of the main concerns of lawmakers has been the issue of justice. Of course, I do not claim that justice has been fully observed, but every effort has been made to do so. For example, Article 13 states that child subsidies will be tripled in families of the 1st to 4th deciles with at least 3 non-employed children in government agencies. Insurance for housewives with 3 or more rural and nomadic children will be 100% covered and infertile couples will be covered by insurance.

What do you think are the shortcomings of this law?

In my opinion, the law does not address the issues of capital transfer, military and work culture, are the most important weaknesses of this law. Of course, I was informed that in the matter of the military, materials had been prepared which, unfortunately, did not go anywhere with the stone-throwing that took place. Keep in mind that this law is temporary and will be implemented for 7 years and there is an opportunity to complete and correct it.

How much do you consider the Family Protection Law to be enforceable, and what guarantee is there that this law will not suffer the same fate as the Youth Marriage Facilitation Law?

You asked a very good question. One of the features of this law in comparison with similar laws is related to its implementation guarantee and the multi-layered supervisory structure that has been installed for its proper implementation. Those who refuse to implement this law are sentenced to imprisonment or a fine, which guarantees its implementation to a good extent. Measures have also been devised for the popular demand for the implementation of the law, which, God willing, will help the plan. Another advantage of this law is that it determines the exact location of the project, which, according to my research, can be implemented to a great extent.

We saw that you wrote on your virtual page that the approval of this plan was something like a miracle. What do you mean by this claim?

The issue of population is a deeply strategic and security issue and it is impossible to understand it regardless of strategic and security issues. However, when we try to find solutions to demographic problems and crises, population changes its nature to a deeply cultural issue.

During the nearly ten years that I have been studying, studying and demanding cultural work on the subject of population, I have witnessed many mischiefs and stonings, which I can say culminated in the passage of this law, which led to its eight-year suspension. Has been in parliament. The riot over the screening was a small, visible corner of the story that had some interesting hidden parts. For example, an Aghazadeh doctor went to the Parliamentary Research Center and threatened to remove the materials related to screening and abortion in order to release the rest of the materials and allow this plan to be approved! Well, to the blindness of that nobleman, and thanks to God, this plan was approved in favor of the people.

Of course, there are more interesting and fascinating stories about the approval of this plan, which shows that the Western intelligence services have been seriously seeking not to approve it. In November 2013, three people from Australia came to Iran and began to consult with various parts of the system – especially the parliament – to prevent the approval of the plan with false statistics, or at least delay it. One of the three was Dr. Peter MacDonald, one of the world’s leading demographers, who has close ties to Western intelligence services. Apparently, the UN Population Fund also played a special role in the mission of these three people. My servant, I provide you with the link of this person’s presence in the Parliamentary Research Center and the link of his connection with the Western intelligence services that WikiLeaks has revealed for publication. The WikiLeaks series document relates to a meeting between Australian security officials and CIA officials, which also included Peter McDonald.

Peter Francis MacDonald at the Parliamentary Research Center

You spoke about the role of the United Nations Population Fund in this anti-population action. What can be done in the face of these international institutions?

For many years, the United States has been managing the strategic component of the world’s population under the auspices of the United Nations Population Fund. The enacted law fortunately addresses this issue in Article 64, stating that the anti-population actions of international institutions must be stopped. In this sense, the law is the leading law in the world.

If you have a point at the end, please.

Many experts and researchers from different intellectual groups have been involved in preparing this law, and these people, along with the members of parliament, have really worked jihadistly day and night. I had a very small share in preparing the plan and the main effort was on the shoulders of others, especially Dr. Bankipour – a respected representative of the people of Isfahan. With this interview, I just wanted to explain this law for my part. Writing this law is a big job, but we have a bigger job ahead of us, which is to enforce the law. I hope the media will play their part in this. Thank you very much for preparing this interview.

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