
First Deputy of the Judiciary: The Fars judiciary is one of the most successful courts in the country

According to the Fars News Agency from Shiraz, the First Deputy of the Judiciary in the Symposium of Judges of Fars Province emphasized the formation of think tanks with the presence of judges of all courts, criminal courts and tribunals with the aim of holding symposiums and formulating practical proposals.

He stated that in order to transform and excel the judiciary, the head of the judiciary agrees with the judicial and consultative theories that most of these theories have a practical and urgent aspect, and specified: In this regard, the practical opinions presented should be fruitful in a limited period of time and cause the dynamism and excellence of the judiciary.

The member of the Supreme Judicial Council named the judges of Fars province as the most successful judges in the country and while appreciating the senior judicial management of Fars province, said: “According to reports and statistical analysis, the inventory and balance of judicial cases in Fars province is very good and It is one of the most successful active courts in the country, which shows the efforts of judges and staff of the judiciary in Fars province.

The First Deputy of the Judiciary said: “One of the concerns of the Judiciary Department is the issue of livelihood of judges and employees of the Judiciary who are following these issues with full knowledge of the current situation.”

Hojjatoleslam and Muslimeen Mossadegh also referred to the employment situation of the members of the Dispute Resolution Councils and the promises that were given to them since 1392 and stated: Prioritize members and staff who sometimes have more than 15 years of experience working with dispute resolution councils.

The general policies of the judiciary are considered by the judges of Fars province

Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims The Chief Justice of the Judiciary is properly exercised by judges throughout the province.

He reported on some actions and activities of the judiciary of Fars province and added: The judiciary of Fars province is the largest jurisdiction in the country with 54 approved jurisdictions and has 650 judges who, despite the efforts of these colleagues and other intelligence and security agencies and institutions, despite various crimes and Major and existing challenges, this province enjoys good security.

The High Representative of the Judiciary in Fars Province further announced a 20 percent reduction in armed robbery and 90 percent of evil in Fars Province, citing the efforts of the provincial prosecutor and other prosecutors throughout Fars province.

Regarding the proper use of information and communication technology and its constructive role in the judiciary of the province, he said: “Using this capacity, the presence of clients in the Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal is minimized and most of the trials of the Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal of Shiraz are conducted electronically. Electronic communications statistics, the judiciary of Fars province with 1.4 percent is one of the most successful provinces in this field and in the case of paperless proceedings, we have recorded more than 8,000 cases without paperwork and in total 10% of the proceedings in Fars province It is paperless.

Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslimeen Mousavi also referred to the reduction of the prison population and said: “In the field of reducing the prison population, many measures were taken by the prosecutor and the head of Shiraz Public and Revolutionary Courts and this year more than 1300 prisoners from the province Have been released.

In another part of his speech, he added: in the first eight months of this year, more than 1126 hectares of national lands have been seized and in the field of resistance economy and judicial support for production, which has always been emphasized by the Supreme Judiciary, the problems of 61 production units And industry of Fars province has been raised with the support of the headquarters for pursuing the implementation of the policies of the resistance economy of the judiciary of Fars province.

The Chief Justice of Fars Province noted: “Since the beginning of this year, 50 cases of premeditated murder have been reconciled with the efforts of members and staff of Fars Province Dispute Resolution Development, while 41% of cases submitted to Fars Province Dispute Resolution Councils It has also ended in compromise, and with the efforts of the members and staff of the Fars Dispute Resolution Councils, this group has been included in the ranking of dispute resolution development in the provinces of the country in 1999, which is done by examining 32 quantitative and qualitative indicators; It was ranked first in the country.

He called public meetings and honoring the client, purposeful and intrusive visits to the prison, judges’ use of the capacity of alternative punishments to imprisonment, prevention of crime, assignment of confiscated goods and confiscated cars in parking lots as other measures taken in the Fars Justice Complex. .

End of message / ف / ع

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