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Special facilities for mothers with 3 children in the capital

According to Fars social reporter, The issue of population increase is on the agenda of various institutions and Tehran Municipality has plans in this field.

Another measure of the municipality is the revival of health centers. Regarding the municipal programs in the field of health, population, problems of people with disabilities, etc., we had a conversation with Hamid Sahib, Director General of Health of Tehran Municipality.

One of the approaches that we have witnessed in the programs of the health department in the last two years is to pay attention to the health and vitality of people with disabilities as a group that faces more restrictions and deprivations than other population groups. What is the most important program that is on the agenda of the health department this year to create vitality among people with disabilities?

The Olympic Games for people with disabilities will be held in Tehran

This year, for the first time, we are following a new approach in the field of people with disabilities. We believe that in this area, without the participation and cooperation of social partners, we cannot achieve what is expected for people with disabilities. Therefore, we are trying to use the capabilities of industries and economic activists to create a lively and healthy environment for people with disabilities by consulting with economic enterprises and explaining the development of the health calendar for the owners of these enterprises.

Besides these issues, paying attention to the vitality of disabled people by implementing various cultural and sports programs is another approach that is followed in different formats in the health department. In this regard, we have put on the agenda the holding of the Olympic games for people with disabilities in 22 centers of day care, night care and exceptional schools with the help of 30 referees and 30 coaches in a competitive format of 2 months. In this game-educational competition, more than 30 intellectual and movement games have been designed for all people with disabilities, so that by participating in them, these people will have the pleasant feeling of “being important”, “valuable” and “competing with others” with the aim of To find the emergence of talents that are less valued and to be able to create joyful moments for themselves and others by relying on these talents.

120 maintenance and training centers participate in these games, which are expected to exceed 187,000 hours. In the end, 150 people with disabilities who have been selected for talent have made it to the final competition that will be held in December of this year, and the selected people of this Special Olympics will be introduced and appreciated in a ceremony.

Since people with disabilities are part of the active forces of the society who play a role in various fields and have been able to bring their abilities to the fore, it is necessary to provide special conditions for the activity and participation of this group in the society. And for this reason, the General Department of Health of Tehran Municipality has prepared this space and conditions for people with disabilities to display their abilities in the form of this sports competition and to be able to intervene in various affairs.

In the past years, we have witnessed that the Tehran municipality has assigned places in different formats to non-governmental organizations and groups, but it seems that the municipality has not been able to use the capabilities of these organizations well. What is your plan to correct this process?

Increasing supervision of non-governmental organizations

Of course, the municipality has not handed over a building, but if you mean the use of municipal facilities by these organizations and groups, this point is correct. The municipality had provided about 50 places to non-governmental organizations and groups in the past, but it did not have detailed information about the performance of these groups in the assigned places. For this reason, there was no monitoring of the performance of these collections. In the new management period of the municipality and the health department, we strongly emphasize that all the centers to which the municipality has supervised the work space as non-governmental organization or people’s group, and these organizations are obliged to participate in programs and events for different age groups and demographics. It is held to participate their members because these organizations and groups of non-governmental organizations have received facilities from the municipality with the title of serving the target groups of the General Department of Health and there is an expectation from them that their members covered by the program Those defined by the specific municipality of these groups should participate. In this process, the performance of these collections will be reviewed periodically and once every 6 months, and finally, if the expectations from such organizations are not met, the follow-up will be done to return the places to the municipality.

The problem of population and having children is one of the issues that has been taken into consideration by the country’s top officials for years. It seems that tasks have been announced by the country’s macro planners in the field of childbearing and population increase to various institutions and groups. What is the role and contribution of Tehran Municipality and General Health Administration in this field and has a road map been explained and drawn for this issue?

Basic duty in raising children and population in the municipality

One of the topics that Alireza Zakani, the mayor of Tehran, is following seriously, and there is a lot of emphasis on it, is the issue of population and the implementation of macro-system policies in this area. Therefore, the mayor of Tehran has formed the headquarters of Jamiat in Tehran Municipality under the secretary of the General Health Department. This headquarters has put several missions in its agenda to fulfill the Supreme Leader’s agenda in this regard. Promoting a family of 4 children in urban advertisements, checking transportation discounts for mothers with 3 children, etc. are among these tasks.

Therefore, in all commercial and high-traffic centers as well as parks, promotional messages in the field of childbearing and population will be exposed to citizens to correct the purely economic attitude towards this issue and strengthen the cultural aspects and its positive effects in life. In addition, it has been emphasized that every event held in the city should have a crowd and this issue is a requirement in the implementation of urban management programs and this capacity should be used to portray the beautiful relationship between mother and child.

Let’s move away from the field of people with disabilities and focus on the age group of children. You had previously announced that a new approach in training centers is on the agenda of the health department. Basically, the question is why training centers are important for your municipality and general administration and why have you invested in them? What output do you expect from the programs that are implemented in Faramaz?

Building the future of children in education

We deeply believe that everything our children do in childhood has a basic cognitive root. This recognition happens during childhood and this issue has been scientifically proven. In the municipality, we believe that childhood is a golden opportunity to build a child’s thinking and keep him away from social damage in adulthood. With such an attitude, he has tried to compensate for this gap by setting up training centers and to compensate for the omissions that we have faced in this area, at least to some extent in the city of Tehran.

Children’s social skills training centers are taught to children with the aim of preventing high-risk behaviors and feelings of disgust from social harms such as tobacco abuse and addiction. In addition, in these centers, attention to the issue of mother and child is on the agenda. In addition to these issues, the weakness of the care and support structure from early childhood due to its developmental importance, the possibility of connecting voluntary and public services to these centers, as well as the need to pay attention to ages up to 6 years in addition to school age and adolescence, and also the lack of a special guardian in The field of children’s health up to 6 years has caused the use of educational centers to require transformation and changes, and in this regard, the function of these centers will be changed to mother-child centers this year. Creating an environment rich in the sense of motherhood, providing a sense of security and trust, nurturing the child’s behavior and emotions, creating a suitable environment for all-round growth and creating an emotional bond with the child are some of the measures that will be followed in the educational centers.

In addition to these topics, encouragement to make a decision for pregnancy, help to pass the pregnancy period healthily, help to give birth to a baby by providing related training, cooperation with the mother to pass the period of infancy to 2 years old, and also cooperation to provide education to children 2 to 6 years old. To prepare the mother and child to enter a new period of life, it is one of the measures that are followed in Faramoz centers.

What do these changes include?

Interventions needed for care and desire to have children in Faramoz centers are defined in 3 levels. At the first level, providing general education and informing mothers about the basic issues of pregnancy and motherhood, as well as the need to have children with a wide public and family audience, and at the second level, which is intended for pregnant mothers, providing prescriptive education for during and after pregnancy, including correcting beliefs Cognitive in the field of childbearing and socio-cultural considerations related to it have been taken into consideration. In the third level of interventions of training centers, providing care training including proper exposure to premature and disordered babies as well as specialized referral to clinical services with a wide audience of mothers with premature and disordered babies is one of the measures that should be carried out in training centers this year. .

Since the beginning of this year, the health department has raised the slogan “good health” and highlighted it. Do you have a plan to continue this approach in the health department?

Successful experience, good life

The experience we gained in designing the slogan of the good mood of life was a successful manifestation of the synergy of various elements of the municipality in the implementation of this campaign. As you mentioned, the success of this campaign, which was to promote a good life and have a healthy way of life, was met with a high response from the audience, so that the hostile media tried to create an atmosphere against this campaign by falsifying the image and spreading bad news. who failed to do so. Now we see that some stores and businesses have taken advantage of this slogan and have done a good job of promoting the good news, which shows that this approach is effective in public opinion.

According to such experience, by the end of this year, it is predicted that several large campaigns will be implemented in the fields of education and promotion in the 22 districts of Tehran, focusing on health-oriented issues, and the basis of all these campaigns is good health and its promotion. Because we believe that creating cheerfulness and good feeling among people is constructive and we are trying to make this happen by implementing campaigns like the present.

Recently, some members of the city council have criticized the closure of health centers in some areas of Tehran. There are also reports that some other activists of these houses want to transfer from Salamat House to other units of the municipality. What action to prevent the closure of houses and the revival of closed houses is on the agenda of the health department?

Transfer from health homes is prohibited

Most of the shutdowns you mentioned happened in the past periods. You are aware that the only unit that was able to receive permission to hire and recruit in the form of administrative services of the city from the municipality in the previous years were health houses and those who cooperated full-time in these houses with the municipality in the neighborhoods. The municipality of that time has agreed with this precondition that the recruitment of people is only on the condition that people continue to work in the health homes and concluded a contract with these people in the form of administrative services of the city. Unfortunately, in the past years and now, some of the forces that were recruited in the health centers have been transferred to other parts of the municipality and the activities of some health centers have actually stopped. In order to revive the health houses that have been closed, it has been announced that every person who has been recruited by the municipality in this framework and has been transferred from the health houses to another unit for any reason must return to the health houses. Our proposal is that if the people contracted in the health homes who have signed a cooperation agreement with the municipality due to their activities in the houses do not return to their place of service, the municipality’s cooperation agreement with these people should be canceled. We expect that if this issue is realized, we will see the activity of the closed health centers in the past years.

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