
Weakness of mRNA vaccines in preventing omicron-induced mortality

According to Fars News Agency’s health group, Aslani, a professor at Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, wrote in a note: “With the outbreak of the Omicron strain in mid-November, a new corona wave began with the dominance of the new Omicron strain in most countries.” However, what is evident in the study of prevalence statistics and mortality rates in relation to the population in different countries is a significant difference in the duration of the disease wave and the mortality rate.

In the United States, with a population of 340 million, more than 200,000 people died in four months of the Omicron wave, or in European countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Germany, the Omicron wave lasted three to four months. In some of these countries the wave of disease has not yet subsided.

The death toll so far in the UK has been 23,000, in France 24,000 and in Italy 20,000. In Germany, with a population of 80 million and more than three months after the onset of the disease wave, 21,000 people have died and still have between 200 and 400 daily deaths.

These countries, meanwhile, have completed 70 to 90 percent of their population vaccinations and more than 50 to 60 percent have received booster doses. The type of vaccine was mainly Pfizer, Moderna and Astraznka. In India, on the other hand, with a population of more than one billion and 60% vaccination, mainly with the Bharat vaccine (killed virus), the Omicron wave did not last more than 2 months and 35,000 people died.

In Indonesia, with a population of 230 million and vaccination of 60 to 70 percent, mainly with the Sinovac vaccine, about 11,000 people died, and the omicron wave did not last more than two months. 90% of vaccinations are with Sinofarm and Barakat (killed virus). The omicron wave lasted a maximum of two months and killed about 7,000 people, and this is seen in other countries as well.

In general, compared to countries that used mRNA vaccines, the Omicron wavelength was doubled and the mortality rate was 3 to 10 times that of countries that used the killed vaccines, such as Sinofarm, Sinovac, and Bharat.

MRNA-based vaccines appear to have serious weaknesses in preventing incidence and mortality from omicrone, although this is only an analysis of WHO statistics and requires careful study and research to make a definitive opinion. Be. But it is an undeniable fact.

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