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What is the prostate and who gets it?

The prostate gland is a component of the male genitalia that produces fluids to nourish and protect sperm cells. Men over the age of 50 should see a doctor to check the health of their prostate gland. Prostate-related diseases are generally divided into three general categories. In this article, we will first explain what a prostate is and then we will introduce you to the types of this disease.

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What is a prostate?

As mentioned, the prostate gland is an organ of the male reproductive system. The size of this tuber is very small and in most sources it is described as the size of a walnut. The prostate gland is located just below the bladder and in the duct. The duct that carries urine out of the bladder passes through the middle of the prostate. The prostate gland produces a fluid that helps nourish sperm and comes out of the urethra with semen.

The prostate experiences two general mutations during a man’s lifetime. Enlargement of the prostate gland occurs for the first time during puberty and is produced by sex hormones produced by the testes. In this case, the prostate will weigh an average of 20 grams. The second mutation in prostate growth begins when men are in their 30s. Treatment of the prostate depends entirely on the type of disease that develops in this organ.

Association of prostate disease with aging

About 25% of men over the age of 55 have prostate problems. This statistic increases to 50% at the age of 70. Prostate-related disorders are usually asymptomatic in the early stages and the person may not be aware of it. As a man, if you are in your 50s or 60s, talk to your doctor about examining your prostate for health. If you have a family history of prostate problems such as prostate cancer, be sure to see your doctor annually from a young age.

Types of prostate diseases

Now that you know what a prostate is, you should know that there are three common types of prostate disease:

  • Inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis)
  • Non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH)
  • Prostate Cancer

Some men may develop several prostate diseases at the same time.

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate can affect men of any age, but is more common in people in their 30s and 50s. The main types of prostatitis are:

  • Bacterial prostatitis – an acute or chronic bacterial infection
  • Non-bacterial prostatitis – an inflamed prostate known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS)

In most cases, the cause of prostatitis is unknown, but bacterial prostatitis usually responds well to antibiotics used for treatment. Non-bacterial prostatitis, the most common type of prostatitis, is more difficult to treat and its symptoms vary slightly from person to person. There is no specific test for CPPS, so your doctor should look at the causes of this type of prostatitis before making a definitive diagnosis. Possible causes of non-bacterial prostatitis include:

  • Previous infection associated with bacterial prostatitis
  • Burns caused by certain chemicals
  • Disorders of the nerves connecting the lower urinary tract
  • Pelvic floor muscle problems
  • Sexual abuse
  • Problems with chronic anxiety

Benign prostate enlargement

What is benign prostatic hyperplasia? In this condition, also called BPH, the prostate gland enlarges but is not cancerous. This problem is more common with age and while it is not dangerous, it can have adverse effects on a person’s quality of life. Enlargement of the prostate gland narrows the urethra and puts pressure on the bladder to the point where it may lead to obstruction of the urethra. This can make it difficult for a person to urinate and sometimes make them think that urine is still in their bladder and has not been completely emptied. If this happens suddenly, it is called acute urinary retention, which is a little difficult and painful to treat.

If urinary retention is chronic, it can lead to dangerous accumulation of urine in the bladder, although this is not very common. If urinary retention is chronic, pressure on the bladder can also impair kidney function.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer usually affects men over the age of 50. Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men and is the second leading cause of death in men. Increasing age and family history are quite influential in the risk of men developing prostate cancer. In the early stages of the disease, cancer cells are present only in the prostate gland, but after a while, the cancer cells enter the vascular and lymphatic systems and spread to other parts of the body.

Prostate Cancer

Symptoms of prostate disease

If you want to know what the symptoms of prostate disease are, it should be said that the symptoms of this disease completely depend on the condition and type of disorder in the prostate gland. However, the following symptoms are common in prostate-related diseases:

  • Difficulty urinating
  • Frequent urination (especially at night)
  • Feeling of not emptying the bladder completely
  • Urination with pain
  • The presence of blood in the urine

It should be noted, however, that the appearance of blood in the urine often occurs for reasons other than the prostate. However, if there is blood in the urine, you must see a doctor.

Diagnosis of prostate disease

Prostate disease can be diagnosed by a doctor using a variety of tests, including the following:

  • Physical examination (digital rectal examination or DRE)
  • Blood test for prostate specific antigen
  • Tests to check for infection or blood in the urine
  • Ultrasound scans and urine flow studies
  • Prostate biopsy

Diagnosis of prostate disease

Treatment of prostate disease

We have said that prostate diseases are divided into three general types. Treatment of prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) Depending on the type of prostatitis may include antibacterial drugs and supportive therapies. Treatment for BPH, a benign form of prostate enlargement, may include medications to relax the prostate gland muscles and reduce the size or surgery.

Treatment for prostate cancer varies depending on the individual’s condition, so surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and certain medications may be used.

The final word

In answer to the question of what a prostate is, we have given you all the general information about different types of prostate diseases. All prostate-related diseases are usually more likely to occur with age. Especially if you are over 50 years old, be sure to see your doctor to make sure your prostate gland is healthy to be more successful in preventing related diseases.

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