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Why buy from local shops instead of hypermarkets?

Family group: TV commercials are advertising various hypermarkets around the clock, and in order to encourage them more, it also holds festivals and offers various prizes so that people are more willing to buy from them every day.

The daily bustle of hypermarkets and the full baskets that come out every day show that the ads have been very successful and have been able to reduce the desire to buy from local shops and stores and lead them to shopping in supermarkets and large chain stores.

However, many economists believe that for reasons of having a better society and a better lifestyle, it is better for people to buy from the same local shops, and the result of buying from local stores on a large scale is more in the interest of the country. Because going to hypermarkets and shopping in them will cause various harm to their customers.

In this report we will say why should you buy from local stores?

Hypermarkets are destroying genuine, local businesses

The pandemic of buying from hypermarkets destroys the prosperity of genuine local businesses and leaves them alone. This is despite the fact that local merchants have always been experts in their field and even if there was a problem, they considered themselves committed to solving it. Something that does not exist in markets and department stores. When you buy the damaged product from the supermarket by mistake, it is obliged to replace your product and inform the company about the problem and do its best to satisfy you and compensate for the bitterness. But in a hypermarket, from a local customer, you become a number among thousands of others, and your presence or absence is not much different.

Hypermarkets increase the craving for shopping

The layout of hypermarkets is all about attracting customers. Every day with discounts, many of which are unrealistic, they try to get you out of the store with a full basket, so much so that some believe that managers of large collections hire people on a daily basis to walk around the store with a full basket to buy. Increase among people because they believe that the shopping cart is a kind of anti-value in hypermarkets and the person who travels with the shopping cart and goes to the cash register feels weak.

Hypermarkets create a false need

Arranging the space of hypermarkets and facing a large volume of unnecessary goods creates a need for hypermarket customers. Especially since they market their new products to hypermarkets. That is why hypermarket customers, when they enter the store for several items, see that they have bought several times the price they had predicted at once, a large part of which is related to the same unnecessary purchases. That’s when you stay and pay the heavy price you have to pay!

Hypermarkets make capitalists richer and small businesses richer

There is a saying that by buying from a local shop, the wheel of life of the neighborhood businessman turns and even the rent of his house is paid. But by buying from hypermarkets, a villa is added to the villas owned there. Which do you prefer? The fact is that changing the lifestyle of shopping from a local shop to a large hypermarket widens the class gap and shifts money from the circulation of people into a magnetic pocket to the pockets of the wealthy. The local businessman must gradually close his shop, clear the way for the capitalist day by day, and destroy it under economic pressure.

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